Isn’t it wonderful to be able to create and maintain a website with your own hands, without asking someone for help? In addition to saving money (after all, web development services cost a lot), this allows you to independently solve a lot of problems: creating a personal web page, a corporate website, an online store, implementing interesting projects - this is not a complete list of what a person who owns technology can do web development.

The Importance of Building Your Own Website

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine an organization that does not have its own website. Trading companies and industrial enterprises, hospitals and schools, government bodies and sports teams, institutes and military registration and enlistment offices, etc., etc., have their own pages on the Internet. Moreover, no one is surprised that individuals have their own websites. Moreover, not only famous and wealthy people (politicians, writers, athletes, etc.) can boast of this, but also ordinary citizens (students, housewives, engineers, doctors, even schoolchildren).

Web site development is one of the most important technologies for developing Internet resources. A good site, absorbing all the useful information, is the best business card for both a commercial company and an educational institution, working on them at any time of the day.

There are currently several million Web sites on the World Wide Web, and their number is constantly growing. You can not only view any of them and extract useful information for yourself, but also take an active part in their creation. There are many tools for building websites, but only a few of them are able to provide developers with the tools to solve the vast majority of the problems they face. These few tools include FrontPage, which is the focus of this tutorial for your attention. It consists of three interrelated sections.

How Many Finances Do You Need for a Website?

There is an opinion that website development and web programming can only be done by people with special knowledge and the appropriate level of training. But this is only partly true: as practice shows, any person who is even a little familiar with a computer is able to independently not only create a completely decent web resource but also make it visited. And for this it is not at all necessary to go to expensive courses or to be lined with thick textbooks with “fancy” program codes and other obscure content from all sides: you will find all the necessary information in this book.

The cost of the site is the amount of money for the development of a website, which consists of 4 main factors:

  • type of design;
  • functionality;
  • content;
  • site optimization for search.

The price of creating a website depends on: Type of design; Programming language; Filling the site; Functionality. If you need to answer the question of how much a site costs, then we can say that the price for creating a site ranges from $ 200 to $ 20,000 and depends on many factors: design, content, functionality, and programming language in which the site will be developed.

Until recently, after the appearance of the Internet, in various areas of business, production, science, it was possible to do without your own website. But today the need for a site is beyond doubt because for any market participant, public, government agency to have a site has become a necessity. The main factor that led to this state of affairs is, first of all, the development of web technologies.

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